Parallax banner
Note: Rapidly moving, flickering or flashing images may cause severe harm to users with photosensitivity. Adopt subtle animations. Always consider accessibility and inclusion when using parallax.
What is a Parallax page layout?
Parallax page layout is a motion layout where two or more interface layers move at different rates or in different directions. It is often used to enhance a product’s interactivity and increase user engagement. Parallax creates an immersive experience for its users where they generally experience the effects, howbeit subtly. In parallax page layout, the foreground and background could be any combination of static, motion or animated contents.
Types of Parallax
- Basic parallax - Basic scrolling where the foreground scrolls over a background automatically. No input from the user is required to trigger this effect. Basic parallax can be vertical or horizontal scrolling. Designers should exercise when utilizing horizontal scrolling as they are less intuitive which can affect usability
- Scrolling triggered parallax - Scrolling across a page triggers this parallax effect. These effects include Fade in, Zoom in and Zoom out as the page continues to load
- Mouse controlled parallax - The movement of the mouse cursor triggers the effect.
- Custom made parallax - Designers are able to create or customize parallax effects as they deem fit for a project.
When to use Parallax page layout?
- When this visual representation is the only way to pass the required information.
- It is used to call attention to certain components or information especially in heavily worded interfaces
- When the aim is to support a narrative or contribute to a brand's identity
- When users do not have a specific task within the page
Component data
Global resources: | bootstrap-grid.css (4.4.1) | jquery-3.6.0.min.js
Component resources:
SCSS files
Functional grouping: Marketing and storytelling
From Accessibility POV, the parallax is not to be included in the Design Summit System. The parallax page layout template is currently available only for marketing campaign pages. It should be applied across no more than 5% of the entire website. This is a permission only basis where the business unit/client and their product resources are solely responsible for any associated risks.
Accessibility Considerations
- Provide alternative descriptions for parallax effects, such as captions or audio descriptions for access to everyone
- Provide the option to turn off motion and parallax effect
Usage best practices
- Always involve UX and development resources before implementation
- Use parallax for background images so they do not distract from the intended information. Parallax in the foreground tends to draw attention to itself which may distract users
- Use parallax sparingly. It should not become the default page layout. Thoughtfully consider the purpose of each parallax effect before introducing it
- Limit the duration of parallax effects on page layout
- Put content first when users have a task on the page. Users ought to complete tasks without interference or distraction from parallax
- Include a start/stop button for users to control the motion unless the animation is essential to the functionality or the information being conveyed. Start with the motion paused
- Adapt parallax layout for mobile devices. Consider parallax from a mobile first approach
- Leave objects in their final positions after scrolling. Reloading parallax may delay access to information
- Provide in-page navigation links on long scrolling parallax pages. Users should access information without loading parallax effects on long scrolling pages.
- Use rapidly moving, flickering or flashing content as it may be triggering for some users
- Use overly complex parallax effects. Load time may take longer and users may miss important content presented using parallax
- Overload page with content when using parallax page layout
- Use more than one storytelling component on any webpage
- Apply parallax page layout or any motion layout to more than 5% of the total web pages
Special Note
The business unit/client and their product resources are solely responsible for any associated risks
Always involve UX and development resources before implementation
Always conduct a separate comprehensive accessibilty audit before every motion or parallax page layout
To measure the flash rate threshold, refer to the following links: (external link) (external link) (external link)